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Karte des Hotels
Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai, Es befindet sich in der Finanz- und Handelszone Lujiazui, einem neuen Hotspot des heimischen Geschäfts, und neben den Geschäftszentren wie Pudong BaBaiBan.Die nächstgelegene U-Bahn-Transfer-Station ist Shiji Avenue Station. Es dauert etwa zehn Minuten zu Fuß (Linie 2, Linie 4 und Linie 9). Sie können zu Dongchang Road Station der Linie 2, Nanjing Road, Expo Ausstellungshalle und andere Orte zu Fuß gehen. Sie können auch zu Shangcheng Road Station der Linie 9 und Xujiahui Geschäftsviertel\r
Mit einer Geschichte von mehr als 20-Jahren, ist das Hotel eine der ersten benannten Einheiten für ausländische Tourismus-Empfang in Pudong New Area.Das Hotel verfügt über mehr als 200-elegante Gästezimmer, die alle mit dem Internet verbunden sind, wodurch es bequemer für Sie ist.Zur gleichen Zeit bietet die Rezeption rund um die Uhr Japanisch und Englisch, und das Badezimmer ist mit WC (elektronische Toilette) und Schlafanzug ausgestattet\r
Gleichzeitig verfügt das Hotel über 250 Quadratmeter von Multifunktionshalle und Konferenzsaal, die den Anforderungen der Durchführung von etwa 200 kleinen und mittleren Treffen entsprechen können.Es gibt Junyue Familienrestaurant und Shangzhijiao Restaurant, um Sie mit köstlichen Speisen aus der ganzen Welt zu versorgen. Das Essen ist frisch und hygienisch, und der Koch ist exquisit\r
Das Business Center des Hotels bietet komfortable Dienstleistungen wie Kopieren, Drucken, Faxen und Buchung von Flugtickets.Darüber hinaus gibt es im Laden auch Baliyi, Fondo Frauenkosmetik-Club, Sylvia, ainer Haar Beauty Perücke und andere Einrichtungen\r
Um den Reisebedürfnissen der Touristen gerecht zu werden, bietet das Hotel auch den Flughafen Abholservice, eine Tagestour in Shanghai und andere Tourismusprojekte (bitte konsultieren Sie die Unternehmen für Details). Es ist ein idealer Ort für ausländische Geschäftsleute und Touristen, um in Shanghai zu bleiben.
[Detaillierte Einführung]
Hotel FAQs
  • Wie weit ist das Hotel vom Pudong International Airport Shanghai entfernt?

    Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai ist 28km vom Flughafen entfernt.

  • Bietet das Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai einen Abholservice?

    Ja, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns nach der Buchung.

  • Wie lauten die Check-in und Check-out Zeiten im Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai?

    Check-in Zeit ist ab 12:00, und Check-out Zeit ist bis 14:00 im Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai.

  • Hat die Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai einen Pool und das Fitnessstudio?

    Nein, das Hotel hat keinen Swimmingpool oder Fitnessraum. Erfahren Sie Einzelheiten zum Pool und anderen Ausstattungen auf dieser Seite.

  • Hat die Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai ein Restaurant vor Ort?

    Ja, Sie können im Hotel essen.

  • Hat das Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai Breitband oder Wifi?

    Ja, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Rezeption.

  • Akzeptiert das Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai eine Vorauszahlung?

    Ja, bitte geben Sie die Bestellung vor der Kontaktaufnahme mit uns ein.

  • Akzeptiert das Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai Kreditkarten?

    Nein, das Hotel akzeptiert keine Kreditkarten.

  • Wie viel kostet das Frühstück des Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai?

    Frühstück CNY20 / Person.

  • Wieviel kostet der Aufenthalt in der Zhongdian Hotel Shanghai?

    Die Preise beginnen bei CNY330, Dies hängt vom Zimmertyp und dem Datum ab.

Bewertungen Mehr
  • oldrabbitcn
    The location is good. The place to leave is very close. Is breakfast OK
  • cl82_1
    The location of the hotel is OK. The toilet is very small, but there are no paper towels in the room (do you need to be so stingy?), Paper shoes are too small to wear. The key point is that the notebook connection network is inefficient and often disconnected (it may also be your own problem). Breakfast was barely OK. In addition, why did you come in to clean the room when you clearly hung a do not disturb sign? The conclusion is that it should not come again next time!! In addition, why only high-quality reviews can give 100 points to reflect real problems for hotel improvement? Is there no point? What kind of truth is this? I really don't understand!!
  • dsfgtf
    Fairly good value for money. There are too many checks on prices without windows and with windows
  • albertdai
    Economical, cost-effective, ultra-high and convenient transportation
  • lvxingniwo
    The hotel service is attentive and thoughtful, and the facilities in the room are complete. There are many kinds of breakfast and there are many choices. The hotel is located in the city center with convenient transportation and shopping. It is worth recommending.
  • ew121
    There should be a lot of Japanese guests. It looks Japanese style. The room is small, but the facilities are complete. It looks clean. The toilet and washroom are beautiful. But the facilities are old and the floor is uneven. Hotel sound insulation is not good, lying in bed, can hear the next room mobile phone vibration sound. The floor is being decorated. Electric drill can wake people up at 8 o'clock every day.
  • BG4DUV
    The location of the hotel is good, but it is often full and difficult to book
  • denistang007
    Generally, it's old. The bed is too hard
  • geoffreywu1690
    It's good. I ordered it all the time
  • a8a8sc0528
    I booked some hotels on business. The transportation and travel are very convenient, but the sound insulation effect is not good.
  • niny1412
    My friend lives here. The response is pretty good. I'm basically satisfied. It's said that the room is old
  • season223
    Front desk attitude is general, breakfast is too bad, hotel room facilities are not bad, the surrounding is very convenient, subway 9 is very close!
  • niepeng
    In the eight hundred companion annex, the location is very good, the transportation is convenient and the meal is convenient
  • neotravel
    Good location. It's close to 800 partners, convenient for shopping, ordinary breakfast, simple Japanese style. There are restaurants on the second floor. There are many group buying restaurants nearby. The rooms are clean, but the furniture is old. The king bed deluxe room is half smaller than the double room, but the price is the same. I don't know why.
  • sara5202002
    The location of the hotel is good. It takes 10 minutes to walk down the subway, but the facilities in the house are old and the surrounding environment is not very quiet. The attitude of the service staff was quite good. It should be said that the cost performance was fairly good.
  • e00102567
    The room facilities are too old
  • maggie0627
    I booked it for my colleagues. The overall hygiene of the hotel is good and worth recommending.
  • clearcaili
    It's close to Lujiazui, so it's convenient
  • pujingxu
    Good location, good service attitude.
  • ciciwangyu
  • nuoer02
  • gl011610
    The location of the hotel is very good. It is very convenient to Lujiazui. It is suitable for business travel
  • linxiangting
    The special king bed has no windows. The windows are open on the side of the corridor!
  • aAronY
    Good, good
  • e01571539
    OK, the room equipment is a little old, but the location is good and the price is affordable
  • e02138736
    The location is very good. The hotel is old
  • clear335
    The hotel is average, but the price is cheap. The key is the location
  • silence.w
    just so so
  • Fleelove
    The hotel for the college entrance examination has too old facilities. There are companies, educational institutions and restaurants on the lower floor. There is a mixture of good and bad people. Breakfast is average. It is simply close to the examination room.
  • abc1988530
  • lavenderyanyan
    All aspects of the hotel are OK, but the WiFi speed is too slow
  • maldini
    The hotel is located in the center of the city with convenient transportation and shopping. The hotel service is attentive and the room is well equipped. There are many kinds of breakfast, and there are many choices.
  • aroboo
    The location of the hotel is very good. It is very convenient to eat and buy around. The hotel facilities are a little old and the room is not big, but it was in time to replace the LCD TV when checking in. It was quite good.
  • djxuyan
    not bad
  • meisusan
  • appeng0105
    convenient transportation,
  • ddrryl
    The cost performance is high.
  • terance1971
    The deluxe room is very good, the room is very clean, the facilities are relatively new, the room area is also good, the only problem is that breakfast is very ordinary
  • lei905
    Overall, it's pretty good. The transportation is quite convenient, it's close to the office, and the service is also good.
  • marybi
    Big head TV....
  • iambaggio
    The hotel reserved for colleagues is close to the office. I'll check in next time
  • alexbenny
    The location of the hotel is good. It is closer to the Oriental Pearl, and the breakfast is OK. The room is small, and the overall feeling is good.
  • angel_bjy
    The windows of the room are set in the corridor, and the air is not good enough and fresh enough; The window lock is broken; The door lock also broke down, and the staff came to repair it
  • atao_5
    In the central area of Pudong, it is convenient to eat and go shopping
  • rling555
    The hotel is in the center of Pudong, near the Oriental Pearl Tower and the Bund. It's convenient to eat around.
  • fenxy
    Overall, it's pretty good!
  • maowangxiaoxin
    It's still good. It's just a little long. I'd better make do with it
  • At Star
    It's average. Everything is average. The price wins. Let's live in Lujiazui, Pudong. Don't choose
  • DoDoo
    The hotel in Pudong district has a good geographical location and convenient transportation. I just feel that the hotel service is average, especially the restaurant waiter's attitude is poor. He looks at us every morning as if he eats more food from his family, which makes people feel super bad. It seems that he is polite to foreign guests. I really don't dare to compliment him.
  • inson_wu
    not so bad
  • allyliangl
    Make do with it
  • lynnwu82
    Don't stay in a junk hotel. Poor environment, poor service. The only advantage is that there are many small fly restaurants nearby
  • yuanyue
    It's too old
  • envsion
    Convenient location and clean room
  • e05517379
    Located in the business district of BaBaiBan, shopping is very convenient. The hotel has been renovated for a long time. The hardware conditions are not ideal, but the convenience of the location is better.......... Overall, I feel good about staying, especially the discount for connecting rooms is worth recommending.............
  • orangeate
    Good location, convenient to eat around. The breakfast in the hotel is simple, not very good. It's about 1km away from Century Avenue subway station. Convenient access to all subway stations in Shanghai.
  • e00618297
    The environment is average.
  • peter20122012
    The hotel facilities are relatively old. If you hang the do not disturb sign, you will still come in to clean the room. WiFi is super slow and 4G signal is not good. There are no advantages except good location.
    It's OK, it's OK, it's OK, it's OK